SMB Unix User accounts

Table of Contents

Requesting an account

Follow these steps:

  1. Fill out and sign the Computer Account Request Form (PDF). You can either do this in a PDF editor or fill out the form on paper and scan it.
    Make sure you read the SLAC policy on "Use of Information Resources" before you sign the form.
  2. Send the signed form to PX_Accounts@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU.

Changing the Password

Your account will be initially set up with a temporary password, which will be sent by text message or phone call to the number you provided in your application; we recommend that you log in within one day after you receive the notification of account creation and change the password. To change the password:

  1. Connect via NXClient to either of our servers ( or
  2. Launch a terminal by clicking the Terminal button on the bottom toolbar (fourth from left), or...
  3. Issue the passwd command
You will be prompted for the "current" password; please copy/paste the temporary password you've been issued (right-click and select "paste" in terminal window), as it may contain ambiguous characters. Press ENTER, then type and re-type your new password as prompted. (NOTE: it will not look as if you typed anything, as the cursor wouldn't advance; unfortunately, that's how passwd works.) Our system will check to make sure your new password is strong enough, specifically:
  • it is at least 10 characters in length
  • it contains a minimum 3 out of 4 character classes, including:
    • lower case letters
    • upper case letters
    • numeric characters
    • symbols and signs (NOTE: do not use "$" (dollar sign) or "&" (ampersand) in your password)
  • cannot significantly resemble your old password

IMPORTANT: If the password expires or if the account remains inactive for a long time, it will be locked. If the account is locked, if you forget your password or if you experience any other problems with using your Unix account, please send an email to PX_Accounts@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU

Password expiration alert

As per SLAC policy, the password will expire every six months. An e-mail notifications is sent to the account prior to expiration.

p NOTE: This is optional: if you wish to forward the notification to your habitual e-mail address do this:

  1. Log in to your SMB Unix account
  2. Launch a terminal window
  3. Go to your home folder (cd /home/"your_username")
  4. Launch a text editor to create a file called .forward
    geany .forward
  5. Edit the file to add your habitual email address. If you wish multiple people to receive the password expiration reminder email, put each password on a separate line.